Need a laugh? Come see me in Metro Theatre's "The Odd Couple"

From: " List" <adamabrams@PROTECTED>
Date: October 17th 2021
Adam Abrams

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Need a laugh? Come see me in Metro Theatre’s “The Odd Couple”

Scene from an early rehearsal for “The Odd Couple” at the Metro scene shop!
I’m excited to report that I’ll soon be appearing on-stage in Metro Theatre’s production of “The Odd Couple”!

The classic mismatch between button-down neatnik Felix and rumpled, sloppy Oscar was a hit movie and TV series, but it all started with this play by the legendary Neil Simon.

Rehearsal shot of Rob Stover and Adrian Maxwell as Oscar and Felix
I play Roy, one of Oscar’s friends and a regular at his weekly Friday night poker game along with Murray the cop, Vinnie and “Speed”. I’m also his accountant, which lets me scold him for his bad money-management skills!

The show starts on Friday night, October 29th, and runs for three weeks – Thursday through Saturday night, and Sunday afternoon at 2.

We’re in the home stretch of rehearsals and it is shaping up to be quite a show, with Rob Stover and Adrian Maxwell striking comedy sparks galore as the leads, and the rest of the poker ensemble – plus the “Pigeon sisters” – all in fine form in this fast-paced, laugh-filled play. 

All safety protocals will be in place, including distancing and vaccine passport requirements. So you can rest easy and settle in to enjoy the show!

If you can, I hope you’ll come out and see “The Odd Couple”!

Click here for more info and tickets!

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