What's happening with the Hollywood Theatre? A long-overdue update

From: "Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition" <savethehollywoodtheater@gmail.com>
Date: March 4th 2015

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Save the Hollywood website

Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition

What’s happening with the Hollywood?

Hello, and thanks again for your support of our efforts to save the Hollywood Theatre. Many of you have likely been wondering where things are at – it’s been a while since we were in touch.

Our radio silence belies the fact that there has been quite a roller-coaster of news and developments behind the scenes. Unfortunately, very little of it so far has translated into anything publicly reportable.

But at this point, though victory is by no means certain, we do have some positive news to share.

An official society

First, we have officially registered as a Society, named the “Broadway Hollywood Theatre Arts Centre Association”. This is an important step in laying the organizational groundwork required if the Hollywood is to be operated as a community-based performance and event space.

The “Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition” remains our identity for public awareness and advocating for the theatre’s future; but any formal operations pertaining to the purchase or operation of the theatre, or any public fundraising efforts, would be pursued under this officially recognized framework.

Our next step in that regard is to apply for charitable status, so that in the event a public fundraising campaign is required, we can provide donors with tax receipts.

Church talks fall through

The next important development in recent weeks was that negotiations by the Redemption Church with the Hollywood’s owner for purchase of the theatre, fell through after several months. While this has certainly created an opportunity for our group and puts us “back in the game”, so to speak, there is still much work to be done – which is ongoing even as we speak – to confirm many details that would affect the specifics of any proposal by the Coalition for rental and/or purchase of the Hollywood.

Business Improvement Association support

In their January meeting, the West Broadway Business Improvement Association voted unanimously to support the Coalition and our business plan for the Hollywood! Just like us, they recognize that a Hollywood Theatre that is a hub of community and arts activity will add lustre to the entire area – whereas one that is stripped of its heritage and converted to single-business use would be a lost opportunity.

Our next strategy is a petition specifically for local businesses, which will be taken around door-to-door on West Broadway. If you can assist with this effort, please email us and advise of your availability. Thanks!

Terry David Mulligan on board

We met with actor, broadcaster, and all-around entertainment personality Terry David Mulligan recently. As a longtime Vancouverite, he was keen to offer his enthusiastic support for the theatre and the Coalition’s plan. Further details on Terry’s involvement will be forthcoming!

The next step

All the above forms the background to the most recent developments, which have included communications with the owner, and continuing talks with City Hall staff as well as several community-oriented foundations which may be able to offer support.

The drive to “Save the Hollywood” has been full of twists and turns, but your vocal support has always been the catalyst that propels us forward. And while we don’t have any specific action to request right now, that may soon change.

It may yet be that the only hope for the Hollywood is for it to be acquired by the City, in a similar arrangement that has ensured the future of many other beloved venues. If that’s the case, then the public expressing their loud and clear support for this option will be vital to success. Additionally, it seems likely at this juncture that a fundraising campaign will be a key part of any successful effort to save and revitalize the Hollywood.

So, while we may not have had much to report publicly for a while, rest assured that your support is essential – and will likely be called upon soon in one way or another.

Thanks again for your belief in our cause and for supporting the best and brightest possible future for the Hollywood. And we’ll talk soon!

Adam Abrams
for the Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition


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