You’re invited to a fun and exciting art event!

From: "Compassion Globally" <webmaster@PROTECTED>
Date: March 20th 2017

You’re invited to an exciting auction

Compassion Globally announces an exciting event that will help us to move closer to achieving our goals. Please join us!

The live auction – Original works of art from painters, sculptors, potters, weavers and more.
The silent auction – Items that are fun, attractive, or useful. Starting at $15.00.

The evening also features a string trio and the Carnival Band.

Date: March 25th, 2017
Location: Vancouver Academy of Music
1270 Chestnut St. (Across from the Planetarium – endless parking)
Time: Doors open and viewing starts at 6:30pm
Cost: $5.00 to $10.00 at the door.

Please book ahead. Call Peter Bardon at 778.867.7064 or email info@PROTECTED

We are working peacefully to substantially reduce nationwide and worldwide abuse and sexual violence inicted upon women and girls. Funds raised at the Art Auction will allow our cause to move across Canada making life more secure for girls and women.

Please join us… tell your friends… and bid!

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