April 23rd 2020 PST
Still vertical and on the job Dear Family, Friends and Fellow Artists, Just reaching out to let you know that I am still vertical and on the job. Our adversaries do not seem to be giving up, so neither can we. Below is a collection of recent works for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure). Click any image to view a larger version. Community support begins with an individual, usually someone in the line of fire. Because we are now all in the line of fire, please attach any of these posters to email or soci ...Continue Reading
December 16th 2014 PST
Family and Friends, Lots of historic events have transpired since my last send including the principled current street response to the racism of our justice system. Please check out the new and old prints now on view at the Spacepop Gallery in Berkeley http://www.spacepopdesign.com/ or catch me at my print shop in Berkeley. On view are works about the continuing government secrecy, government retaliation to whistleblowers, illegal arms for Israel, environmental degradation, imperialism and war. I ...Continue Reading
June 24th 2014 PST
Artist Talk: Doug Minkler Political Printmaking WEDNESDAY JUNE 25, 2014 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm FREE ADMISSION FFDG 2277 Mission Street, SF https://www.google.com/maps/place/FFDG/@PROTECTED,-122.418949,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x808f7e3c8f7ce29b:0x795de02d30b4f8c1 Veteran printmaker, Doug Minkler, shares over 35 years of his political screenprints. Minkler approaches his work with a passionate commitment to social change. His art battles corporate polluters, predatory banks, nuclear weapons laborator ...Continue Reading
February 19th 2014 PST
All, I should really call this art exhibit, Knocking On UC's Door. Due to this show's proximity to two of UC's new Labs- _The John Yoo Animal Torture Facility_ and the_ British Petroleum Alternative Energy lab _I am hoping to attract scientists and students. Come share your stories about the influence of the third eye on the university and please let others know of the exhibit before it comes down at the end of February. scroll to see 2 images Doug ...Continue Reading
December 6th 2013 PST
BRAINY FRIENDS REQUEST and _current shows_ Greetings All, 1. New Art work in need of title, text, and organization. Brainy friends -Take a stab at writing text or suggesting text/title or suggesting a friend in a organization the I can pair with. I cannot guarantee I will use your words but what a waste of talent if i do not to ask my friends for suggestions. Outrages words encouraged. See images below. Old school connections with relatives and friends still works. pls pass on. 2. Second chance to stop b ...Continue Reading
December 6th 2013 PST
BRAINY FRIENDS REQUEST and _current shows_ Greetings All, 1. New Art work in need of title, text, and organization. Brainy friends -Take a stab at writing text or suggesting text/title or suggesting a friend in a organization the I can pair with. I cannot guarantee I will use your words but what a waste of talent if i do not to ask my friends for suggestions. Outrages words encouraged. See images below. Old school connections with relatives and friends still works. pls pass on. 2. Second chance to stop b ...Continue Reading
November 5th 2013 PST
Greetings All, 1. Omega Salvage show: Doug Minkler and Elly Simmons, Nov 8- Dec 31, 2013, 2403 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley CA Artist reception dates -Friday Nov 8, 5-8pm and Sunday, and Dec 8, 2-5pm. I hope you can stop by. 2. Willa Madden, master web builder, has worked tirelessly to create http://www.dminkler.com/ We believe is easier for teachers and activists to find and use. The final test is to see if the site is visited, the graphics on the site are used and I get some assignments from all ...Continue Reading
September 9th 2013 PST
_Nation Security International_ was created during the time the US was trying to justify military /media intervention in Central America. The media /US government like today with Syria, tried to explain that countries like Nicaragua and El Salvador were a national Security threats that needed military/media intervention in order to protect American citizens. _Not So Remote Control_ was done during the first war on Afghanistan, I tried to show how the media was trying to transform the American public into reptilian creat ...Continue Reading
August 28th 2013 PST
Dear Truthtellers, Blogmasters, At-risk Editors, Friends, In October 2011 the Berkeley City Council passed a Resolution to close Guantanamo Prison and welcome cleared-for-release detainees to settle in Berkeley. This makes Berkeley the first city in the U.S. to welcome detainees. Djamel Ameziane is a famous Algerian-born European-trained chef who the U.S. cleared for release in 2008, but he's still stuck in Guantanamo. To find out more about Djamel Ameziane’s current status and to donate to his resettlement fund pl ...Continue Reading
August 28th 2013 PST
Dear Truthtellers, Blogmasters, At-risk Editors, Friends, In October 2011 the Berkeley City Council passed a Resolution to close Guantanamo Prison and welcome cleared-for-release detainees to settle in Berkeley. This makes Berkeley the first city in the U.S. to welcome detainees. Djamel Ameziane is a famous Algerian-born European-trained chef who the U.S. cleared for release in 2008, but he's still stuck in Guantanamo. To find out more about Djamel Ameziane’s current status and to donate to his resettlement fund pl ...Continue Reading
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