Doug Minkler, Artist Message

From: "Doug Minkler, Artist" <dminkler@PROTECTED>
Date: December 6th 2013

BRAINY FRIENDS REQUEST and current shows
Greetings All,
1.  New Art work in need of title, text, and organization. Brainy friends -Take a stab at writing text or suggesting text/title or suggesting a friend in a organization the I can pair with. I cannot guarantee I will use your words but what a waste of talent if i do not to ask my friends for suggestions. Outrages words encouraged. See images below.
Old school connections with relatives and friends still works. pls pass on.
2.  Second chance to stop by this Sunday
Omega Salvage show: Doug Minkler and Elly Simmons,

Nov 8- Dec 31, 2013, 2403 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley CA
Artist receptions -Sunday Dec 8, 2-5pm
3. East Bay Print Sale Dec 14 and 15 10 AM- 4 PM
Max's Garage Press- 1006 Pardee st. Berkeley
Hosted by TINY SPLENDOR and Max's Garage press
4.  Notice  
I have taken a sabbatical leave from selling on Telegraph ave.  The University of California will not be subsidizing my scholarly efforts nor the artists in these shows so come out and support your local artists.
5. Pls visit my NEW WEB SITE created by webmaster Willa Madden



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