Jeni’s mailing list


Jeni's Picks June 12-19, 2020

June 11th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… I hope you are all hanging in there and keeping safe and well. Since restrictions are easing a little,  I plan to restart my weekly list just as soon as there are sufficient events to actually compile a list. I know that live music can be a tonic for tumultuous times, but I also know that recent events have affected everyone differently.  Before you venture out I ask you to check the health and safety protocols at each venue to ensure you will feel ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks

March 24th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… it is with a heavy heart that I am indefinitely putting my weekly list on hold.   Please check my website once in a while when things have returned to some semblance of normalcy.  The local arts community is going to need all the help we can give it once events can resume.  Be well and stay safe all! Picks indefinitely on hiatus due to Covid 19 March 24, 2020 I am holding you all close and thinking about you. Thank y ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks... continued hiatus

March 15th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… almost everything I had listed for next week has now been cancelled (for obvious reasons). Although I am very worried about and desperately want to support local artists and venues, especially those self-employed freelancers with no alternate source of income, things are changing daily and editing a list is near impossible.  Kindness counts during these challenging times.  Please be good to yourself and to everyone else.   STAY WELL!! &n ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks Feb 10 - Feb 18, 2020

February 10th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People…  a few events are already sold out this week (i.e. Emily Claire Barlow at Shadbolt) but still a wide range to choose from! And Black History Month continues with various events during February. Please check my website for additions/updates during the week. And please also check with venues for changes/cancellations. They do happen! WISE Hall – Petunia & The Vipers This event runs from December 23, 2019 until February 10, 2020. ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks February 4-10, 2020

February 3rd 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… Also happening is Dine Out. Some info here. And Black History Month with various events during February. Please check my website for additions/updates during the week. And please also check with venues for changes/cancellations. They do happen! Water Street Cafe – Brad Shigeta Swingtime February 4, 2020 7:00 pm Hot Jazz Jam this week features Brad Shigeta Trio with Julian MacDonough on drums, Noah Gotfrit on upright bass and tro ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks January 27-February 3, 2020

January 26th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… a bumper week and I am sure to have missed something. Also happening is Dine Out. Some info here. And Black History Month with various events during February. Please check my website for additions/updates during the week. And please also check with venues for changes/cancellations. They do happen! Water Street Cafe – Soul Mondays : Tristan Paxton Trio January 27, 2020 7:00 pm Tristan Paxton is one of Vancouver’s most in demand guitar ...Continue Reading

Correction to Picks of Jan 19-20, 2020 Nicholas Bearde

January 20th 2020 PST

Hi Picks People.. should never tackle drop-down boxes at 3.00a.m. during a bout of insomnia!  Nicholas Bearde at Frankie's is on January 24th and not January 26th as I originally posted. Thank you to the eagle-eyed Annie for pointing this out.  Fixed on website but wanted to ensure that no-one reading the weekly email turned up on wrong night.  Thanks! ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks January 20 -27, 2020

January 20th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… a good looking week ahead. If you are a PuSh Festival fan get those tickets soon as some performances are selling out. And Strunz & Farah at Kay Meek are already sold out! Please check my website for additions/updates during the week. And please also check with venues for changes/cancellations. They do happen! Water Street Cafe – Soultrax Duo with special guest Tom Keenlyside January 20, 2020 7:00 pm Soultrax Duo is  Fran Jaré – ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks January 13-20, 2020

January 13th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… hope you are all safe and surviving sudden winter!  It has slowed me down so here is what I have managed to compile thus far for the coming week… Please check my website for additions/updates during the week. And please also check with venues for changes/cancellations. They do happen! WISE Hall – Petunia & The Vipers This event runs from December 23, 2019 until February 10, 2020. Petunia and the Vipers are back for another season on ...Continue Reading

Jeni's Picks January 6- 13, 2020

January 6th 2020 PST

Jeni’s Picks for the week ahead Dear Picks People… wishing you all a healthy & happy New Year.  **For anyone who was planning to go to Tyrant Studios tonight (Monday Jan 6), unfortunately the club is closed temporarily for small renovations.  There are more events listed there for later this week and the club is confident they will re-open in time. Please check my website for additions/updates during the week.  WISE Hall – Petunia & The Vipers This event runs from December ...Continue Reading
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Jeni's Picks of the week.

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