August 17th 2019 PST
Hi all! We're planning to head out to Hillcrest Pool, arriving around 2pm or so. Wondering if anyone would like to join us? Max would be delighted to see a friend or two. Let me know... thanks! Adam ...Continue Reading
June 25th 2019 PST
Hi all! Due to potential rainy weather in the forecast for Thursday, we've moved up the big toy sale by one day. Max's Big Toy Sale is now happening tomorrow, Wednesday, June 26, at 3pm! We'll be behind the school, the 15th Avenue side. Toys, novelties, and fun stuff galore! Pack a loonie or a toonie with you, as most items will be $1 or $2. 50% of all proceeds will be donated to the SPCA! Hope to see you after school tomorrow! Max (and Adam) ...Continue Reading
June 12th 2019 PST
Hi Subscriber! I'm just sending this quick note to let you know that Max is planning a gi-normous yard sale at L'Ecole Bilingue on Thursday, June 27th - the last day of school! As he did last year, he'll be on the grass behind the school (15th Ave. side) just after 3pm that day, with a cornucipia of choice goodies for sale! Most items are just 1 or 2 dollars. Mostly toys, novelties and games this year, not many books - but lots of fun stuff he has gladly "let go" of and which could easily bring j ...Continue Reading
June 12th 2019 PST
Hi Subscriber! I'm just sending this quick note to let you know that Max is planning a gi-normous yard sale at L'Ecole Bilingue on Thursday, June 22nd - the last day of school! As he did last year, he'll be on the grass behind the school (15th Ave. side) just after 3pm that day, with a cornucipia of choice goodies for sale! Most items are just 1 or 2 dollars. Mostly toys, novelties and games this year, not many books - but lots of fun stuff he has gladly "let go" of and which could easily bring j ...Continue Reading
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