Hi musical theatre fans!
It's been a while but it's time for an update from the online home of Vancouver listings for Musical Theatre
Just added to the calendar are the following shows:
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT March 6 at the Kay Meek Centre, North Vancouver http://tinyurl com/2ofw5p
MAMMA MIA! April 1-13 at the QE Theatre http://tinyurl com/33or4a
GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S "PATIENCE" March 12-29, Presentation House Theatre, North Vancouver http://tinyurl com/2j9z8f
Follow the links above for full details on these and other upcoming musicals!
Also, the VMTC would like to extend a warm welcome to our latest sponsor, who is also our first: Royal City Musical Theatre, with their upcoming production of "West Side Story" (http://tinyurl com/2wkvnr)
Once again, thanks for your support and be sure to "Go See a Musical!"
Adam Abrams VancouverMusicals com
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Be informed whenever a new listing gets added to the VMTC!
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