Hi all!
A last minute show has come to our attention here at VancouverMusicals com HQ - it's "Twenty Minute Musicals", performed by Veda Hille and Geoff Berner, tonight and Saturday at Performance Works on Granville Island!
Here's a description:
"Hate long musicals? Veda Hille curates as top local talent - including beloved broadcaster Bill Richardson and accordion-wielding singer Geoff Berner - presents hilarious, new, 20-minute musicals, including Do You Want What I Have Got?: A Craigslist Cantata and Distant Second: The Steve Fonyo Story "
The show is being presented as part of the PuSh festival, as "Club PuSh": http://pushfestival ca/
Tonight's show is at 9pm and tomorrow's is at 7 Doors open one hour before showtime and it's first-come, first seated
An extra note: the 11pm Club PuSh show is free every night, and on Friday night I believe it will be a repeat of the Twenty-Minute Musicals show This is unconfirmed though, so if you like, you can take your chances!
Adam Abrams www vancouvermusicals com
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