October 17th 2017 PST
*/Two Views from the Sylvia/* premieres in Vancouver Two original one-act musical plays about Vancouver’s iconic Sylvia Hotel Vancouver, BC – Kol Halev Performance Society presents the world premiere of *Two Views from the Sylvia*, an evening of two original one-act musical plays about Vancouver’s iconic Sylvia Hotel. Running November 8 – 12, the production begins with /Sylvia’s Hotel/, a play that brings to life the origin of the famed hotel and the Goldstein family who built ...Continue Reading
March 2nd 2017 PST
Local antiviolence group leverages the power of artists to stop violence *FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:* *Local antiviolence group utilizing the power of artists to stop violence against women and girls* Vancouver, March 2 — Fine art, music and social change unite in an upcoming event in support of a local antiviolence group, with noted painters Robert Bateman and Ted Seeburg among those contributing their original artistry. Compassion Globally, founded by Peter Bardon, is dedicated to peacefully reducing sexual violenc ...Continue Reading
October 13th 2015 PST
Nationwide musical event kicks off campaign against abuse and sexual violence At 10:15 on Saturday, October 24th, choirs across Canada will sing simultaneously in surprise locations from coast to coast, all in the name of ending abuse and sexual violence against women and girls worldwide. The nationwide musical ‘flash mob’ extravaganza is being organized by Vancouver-based group Compassion Globally and is the brainchild of its founder Peter Bardon. “Compassion Globally aims to make our world a more secure place for gi ...Continue Reading
June 24th 2014 PST
Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition JUNE 24, 2014: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Coalition releases comprehensive business plan to put Hollywood Theatre back on the map Why is City Hall avoiding the Hollywood’s brightest future? [Tuesday, June 24, 2014] The Save the Hollywood Coalition has released a comprehensive plan to reinvent the Hollywood Theatre as a heritage-designated, public arts and culture venue. The business plan, presented to the City’s General Manager of Community Services, Brenda Prosken, provides a detailed ...Continue Reading
May 8th 2014 PST
Thursday, May 8, 2014: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hollywood Theatre remains threatened Church purchase leaves theatre heritage at risk; City ownership still the best option The Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition, which has led a public campaign to protect the theatre, is concerned that the Point Grey Community Church (PGCC) plan for the Hollywood would neither secure the theatre’s heritage nor realize its fullest potential as a public arts and culture venue. The community advocates for: [*]full heritage designation o ...Continue Reading
December 4th 2013 PST
Dec. 3 2013 For Immediate release: Heritage Report at City Hall today bringing out crowd of speakers to ask that the iconic heritage Hollywood Theatre be saved Large numbers of concerned citizens and Arts and Community groups will be at City Hall today over concerns about the impending loss of the Hollywood Theatre and to express their demand that any consideration of Heritage preservation today not be done without ensuring that the Hollywood be saved. Mel Lehan, spokesperson for the Save the Hollywood Theatre ...Continue Reading
November 16th 2013 PST
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: The Coalition to Save the Hollywood Theatre invites all media to come to our meeting and hear what the public has to say regarding the fate of the hollywood theatre. THE SAVE THE HOLLYWOOD THEATRE COALITION IS HOLDING A PUBLIC MEETING ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17 FROM 2-4PM AT ST. JAMES HALL AT 3214 WEST 10TH AVENUE Upcoming public meeting on Hollywood Theatre may be last chance for community to speak out against building's destruction Vancouver's Hollywood Theatre, one of North America's longest fa ...Continue Reading
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