Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services

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A quarterly newsletter notification containing links to articles on the Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services website.

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Archived Messages


Holiday Greetings from Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services!

December 13th 2012 PST

*/To my valued friends and clients.../* This holiday season is well underway and a New Year is right around the corner!    I feel very fortunate knowing each and every one of you and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support over this past year.  Looking forward to a continued relationship in the New Year, I wish you and your families a very safe and Merry Christmas and all the very best of the New Year! Cheers! /Taannia/ ...Continue Reading

Happy Holidays from Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services!

December 8th 2011 PST

*/To my valued friends and clients.../* This holiday season is well underway and a New Year is right around the corner!    I feel very fortunate knowing each and every one of you and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support over this past year.  Looking forward to a continued relationship in the New Year, I wish you and your families a very safe and Merry Christmas and all the very best of the New Year! Cheers! /Taan ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Newsletter for November 2011

November 17th 2011 PST

Newsletter: Novemer 2011 Welcome to another edition of the Taannia Flahmeri newsletter, where we round up news and articles you're sure to find useful. This time around we have these great features: [*]Marketing: the power of the "call to action" [*]How to avoid scams both online and off [*]Free apps to help save you money [*]Why different situations call for different writing styles Click the links at left to read this month's art ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Newsletter for September 2011

September 27th 2011 PST

Newsletter: September 2011 Greetings! I hope you made the most of our belated warm weather... and if you're looking for some great reading now that it's cooled off a bit, look no further than these intriguing articles! [*]The five reasons you need a database [*]Some expert blogging and writing tips from our newest contributor, Ronda Payne - the "girl with a pen"! [*]Plus an update on the eco-Energy home improvement grant from Holly Collin. * ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Newsletter for July 2011

July 7th 2011 PST

Newsletter: July 2011 Greetings! I hope you all had an enjoyable Canada Day weekend. To help ease you back into the work week, I've got some articles I think you'll enjoy, including: [*]A summary of five principles of clear communication [*]The mutual benefits of referrals as a way of doing business [*]The benefits of utilizing a professional financial advisor [*]A refresher of the changes to the federal mortgage rules *You can find all the ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Newsletter for July 2011

July 7th 2011 PST

Newsletter: July 2011 Greetings! I hope you all had an enjoyable Canada Day weekend. To help ease you back into the work week, I've got some articles I think you'll enjoy, including: [*]A summary of five principles of clear communication [*]The mutual benefits of referrals as a way of doing business [*]The benefits of utilizing a professional financial advisor [*]A refresher of the changes to the federal mortgage rules *You can find all the ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services - Spring 2011 Newsletter

May 3rd 2011 PST

Newsletter: May 2011 Well, it's been a busy, news-packed time, what with Royal weddings, hockey playoffs and a federal election! But now that all of that is over and done with, what better time to focus on some practical advice on financial planning and promoting your business - or tips on taking better photos on that next vacation! You'll find all of the above and more in the Spring edition of my newsletter. In this issue... [*]I explore an under-used marketing tool - y ...Continue Reading

Happy Holidays from Taannia Flahmeri!

December 8th 2010 PST

www.flahmeri.com - info@PROTECTED If you'd prefer not to receive more emails from me, just click here to unsubscribe. ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services - November 2010 Newsletter

October 28th 2010 PST

Newsletter: November 2010 Welcome to my newsletter! Here's what's new in this issue: [*]I've got some time-saving advice on the power of delegating [*]Glenn Plunkett of The Accounting Store is offering a free seminar that small business owners should find very valuable. [*]Holly Collin has a comprehensive list of grants and rebates that can save homeowners and buyers a bundle [*]Fainally, Nadia Bruschetta has some fantastic tips on better packing fo ...Continue Reading

Taannia Flahmeri Marketing Services - Fall 2010 Newsletter

September 29th 2010 PST

Newsletter: Fall 2010 Welcome to my latest newsletter! This time I share my thoughts on customer service, we have some great articles on keeping your financial house in order from Holly Collin, and travel agent Nadia Bruschetta talks frankly about what she has to offer in today's world of online self-serve booking. On November 17, Holly Collin is also co-hosting a seminar for home buyers that looks to be very worthwhile if you're thinking of wading into the real estate market. Her last o ...Continue Reading
