Date: January 22nd 2005

Don't let the winter weather keep you locked up in your apartments Don't miss the musical event of the season when I, Eytan Mirsky, take the stage at the Baggot Inn 82 W 3rd Street (between Sullivan and Thompson) in NYC on Saturday Feb 5th at 9 pm (that's 9 pm sharp)

I'll do a few songs from my new cd, "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!" which you all should get a hold of, if you haven't already (Read the three great reviews I've gotten so far and hear clips at www cdbaby com/eytanmirsky4 ) And of course I'll also perform audience faves from my previous cd's like "The Vulture of Love," "Record Collection" and "(I Just Wanna Be) Your Steve McQueen "

So I hope you can make it If you have any questions about the show or the cd e-mail me at eytanmirsky@hotmail com

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