Hi folks, The show last month at the Baggot Inn was a big success Thanks to all who made it down By some amazing coincidence, Judah Friedlander (Toby from American Splendor) happened to be doing his standup routine at the club upstairs, so when the sound man told him I was performing, he came down and invited me to see his act some time (Okay, it wasn't that coincidental since he evidently plays that comedy club every night, but it was still a kick )
Anyway, the important news is that the new cd is now available as a download for only $8 88 from www/mp3tunes com/eytanmirsky Individual songs can be downloaded for a mere 88 cents each (but since there 16 songs on the cd, you can see that the $8 88 for the whole cd is a great deal) You can hear small clips of each song at that site, too (The album should be available at itunes soon, tool my other three cd's already are )
You can hear longer clips from the new cd at www cdbaby com/eytanmirsky4 (and read the rave reviews that have been piling up) The cd is on sale there for $10 And, as always, the cd can also be found at amazon com or notlame com Or e-mail me at eytanmirsky@hotmail com to buy it directly from me
Until next time take care, Eytan
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