"The information covered provided me with significantly increased knowledge of the critical issues to be addressed in planning a new spa venture. I learned that developing a detailed system of procedures, processes, and measurements is critical. I believe that attending such a workshop is crucial for anyone in, or planning to enter, the spa industry." Sheila McWha, Pheasant Glen Golf Resort, Vancouver Island, BC
The stuff I learned will help me change the culture of the spa. My real Gestalt moment was the One-Up Charts. Excellent! I am also very excited about the potential of this to change the culture of the spa industry." Ella Stimpson, Spa Director, The Broadmoor, CO
"This course is extremely beneficial to anyone who wants to operate their spa more effectively and profitably and doesn't know where to start." Lisa M. Starr, Business Consultant, Preston Wynne
The ambience offered by our very private training room encouraged delegates to interact and communicate openly which enabled them to learn from each other as well as from the material being presented. This cultivated a realization that we are not competitors but rather co-workers, seeking to improve an industry that needs consistency brought to the fore. The demand for follow-up training programs has been overwhelming. Vivienne OKeeffe