Apologies to those who are getting this info twice, as I know lots of you are on my personal mailing list as well as the Vancouver Musicals one - but I just want to be thorough and reach (and invite! see below) all the musical theatre fans out there who might be interested
Anyway - this week at the Fifth Avenue Cinemas, it's HAIRSPRAY - The SING-ALONG Version!
Like the SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC, the words are printed on the film so that film-goers may enjoy singing along with the cast of HAIRSPRAY Every ticket holder will recieve a collectible card (there are six total) Plus everyone has a chance to win a CD soundtrack of Hairspray
Showtimes are daily at 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, and 9:20, and it's currently running through Thursday
So anyway - I'd like to attend with a few HAIRSPRAY fans - I know you're out there! - and at this point I'm thinking the Sunday 6:50 or 9:20 show looks like my best bet But I'm also open to Monday or Wednesday night Still, I'm favouring Sunday If you'd like to join me, let me know - with something like this, it's definitely "the more the merrier"!
Thanks, Adam www VancouverMusicals com www adamabrams com
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