"The Musical of Musicals: The Musical" is a fantastic show that was rightly voted "Pick of the Fringe" That means you have three new chances to catch this hilarious sendup of five different musical theatre styles at the Waterfront Theatre!
Look for it Saturday at 1:30 and 9:30 pm, and Sunday at 2 pm
Full details at the Vancouver Musical Theatre Calendar:
http://www vancouvermusicals com
You can also read my review of this great show on my blog at AdamAbrams com:
http://adamabrams com/archives/560
And here's what others have been saying:
"Mikal Grant, Steven Greenfield, Anna Kuman, and (especially) Colleen Winton are all excellent singers with a terrific sense of comedy; their full-throttle commitment to this material�s very clever silliness is a joy to behold Don�t miss it " Kathleen Oliver, Georgia Straight
"Winton nails the wide-eyed wacko in Sunset Boulevard, Grant gets the drippy German sleaze of Cabaret just right, Greenfield's cowpoke accent is spot-on and Kuman mocks both Eva Peron and Madonna This is the best kind of well-sung dumb fun " Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun
"Colleen Winton is charming in her mockery of (Hello) Dolly and (Sunset Boulevard's) Norma Desmond The heart-on-sleeve singing is sweet enough you catch yourself enjoying the very tropes you are meant to be laughing at " Michael Harris, Globe & Mail
"The performances are fantastic, the direction tight, and the accompaniment is flawless (thanks to Sarah Jaysmith) The costumes and props give us the essence of the genres without being overdone or slowing down the action The excellent ensemble work by Mikal Grant, Steven Greenfield, Anna Kuman, and Colleen Winton is notable here in Fringe land, which thrives on a diet of one-person shows and duets " Rachel Scott, Plankmagazine com
Hope you get a chance to see it!
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