Hi all!
Apologies for re-sending a message that most of you probably already received but it turns out that, for at least one recipient, all the text was white on a white background and thus illegible So here is a text-only version that should be readable by everyone! (And I'll look into the problem to avoid having to do this kind of a re-send again )
It�s becoming something of a Christmas tradition: my Musical Tin Can Fundraiser for Vancouver Rape Relief and Women�s Shelter I�ve volunteered with them for many years, participating in their monthly street fundraising event where teams fan out across the city to accept donations for the shelter operation In December, I always put the word out for friends (and fellow Broadway Chorus singers!) to join me at my location downtown for an extra-festive event I hope you can join me this year!
This Saturday, December 20, I will be at the corner of Georgia and Granville from (approximately) 10 am to 3:30, bearing a tin can and a yellow placard, and belting out seasonal tunes - hopefully with lots of accompaniment
Please join me for however long you can, be it a few minutes, an hour, whatever The more the merrier! It�s always a great time and we raise lots of money for the shelter I hope you can take a bit of time out of your holiday shopping to drop by
Song sheets, as always, will be provided!
Last year, a fun time was had by all - here�s a video!
http://www youtube com/watch?v=s2LMepGxwJk
Email me directly if you have any questions
Thanks! Adam
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