Greetings, Musical Theatre fans!
Lots happening in local musicals means lots of new listings to be found at www VancouverMusicals com!
Also, see below for audition info for a 16-voice, mixed jazz vocal harmony group, "Fat Chants"
Adam Abrams VancouverMusicals com
On now
The Full Monty Tonight, Sunday April 5, is your last chance to see this great show! http://tinyurl com/d7pmb3
Upcoming shows newly added:
TICK, TICK BOOM April 6-22 http://tinyurl com/de6tpq
FLOWER DRUM SONG May 28 - June 14 http://tinyurl com/csw3cq
TITANIC, THE MUSICAL June 10-13 http://tinyurl com/c393mw
A NEW BRAIN June 15-21 http://tinyurl com/dd58bv
And looking ahead the holiday season, and beyond:
IRVING BERLIN�S WHITE CHRISTMAS: THE MUSICAL November 12 - December 27, 2009 http://tinyurl com/dythyk
BILLY BISHOP GOES TO WAR March 25 - April 17, 2010 http://tinyurl com/chqask
BUDDY: THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY May 13 - July 11, 2010 http://tinyurl com/d9pnya
Director/Resident Arranger - LAURA LANG 16 voice mixed group (SSAT)
Intricate jazz harmony experience required �Regular performances �Learn harmonies at home with pre-recorded mp3's and sheet music �Ability to read music a huge asset but not a necessity �Regular access to a computer required
Rehearsals every 3 weeks only (actual learning of parts is expected to be done at home) on Wed 's at 7:45 p m in downtown location �Serious applicants only please �For a sample of one of the "Fat Chants" recorded arrangements, please contact Laura Membership fees required
Check out our next concert on Sunday, June 7th at 7 p m St Paul's Anglican Church - 1130 Jervis St
Contact lauraelang@telus net for tickets and audition info
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