Greetings Musical Theatre fans!
There are a bunch of new musicals now listed on the VMTC Much of the upcoming action is at the Fringe Festival which descends on Vancouver from September 9 to 20 But there's also
SIX MUSICALS AT THE FRINGE FESTIVAL Various dates and times, September 9-20 - I Herd A Sheep - Caberlesque! - Pirates of Penzance (abridged) - Oh Winnipeg! A Surprising Musical Memoir - WordWear - HIVE: The New Bees
BACK TO YOU: THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF LUCILLE STARR October 1-10 A new Canadian musical about a BC-born singer who thrilled the world in 1964, coming home to give her first solo concert in 25 years
EVIL DEAD, THE MUSICAL October 29 - November 7 Based on Sam Raimi�s 80s cult classic films The songs are hilariously campy and the show is bursting with more farce than a Monty Python skit
A CHORUS LINE November 3-8
Broadway Across Canada presents the classic hit show
Check the calendar at www vancouvermusicals com and click on any particular day to find the shows for that day
Thanks again for supporting Musical Theatre in Vancouver!
Adam Abrams The Vancouver Musical Theatre Calendar www vancouvermusicals com
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