It’s that time again, yes, a time for fun, frolic, music and bands, and most/best of all, supporting a women’s shelter and crisis line. I speak of course of the annual Walk for Vancouver Rape Relief!

The event is a walk (or bike, or rollerblade, or…) around the Stanley Park Seawall, followed by a delicious free picnic lunch and some amazing live bands. And it’s all in support of a shelter and crisis line that has been offering support for over 35 years to women, and their children, escaping male violence. And they do it almost entirely with volunteer labour. (more…)
Come face to face with weird and exotic sea creatures at Sidney’s Ocean Discovery Centre. I did, earlier this month, and the sights were amazing! I never saw a jellyfish up close and personal like that before. Stunning and a little creepy with the pulsating movements. Check it all out in this 2-minute video.
Back in 2002, I was doing my monthly “Tin Can” street fundraiser for Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter when inspiration (and whimsy) struck. Before long, I had scribbled out new lyrics to a well-known theme for a certain superhero – and created “The Tin Can Song”.
The annual auditions for Kol Halev are coming up Sunday, May 2 at 5:30pm The Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture, 6184 Ash Street, Vancouver. They’re a community musical theatre group looking for singers, dancers and actors!