Hi all! Sorry about this extra message, but I've received a few questions from friends wanting to support me in the "Mad Men" contest - asking if it was OK to vote more than once, where exactly to vote, etc So here's the essentials all in one place!
You can vote for me at http://bit ly/VoteForAdam - that's the short link to my entry on the contest site
Multiple votes are not only allowed, they are essential in order to get a high ranking - and you can vote every 24 hours And you can vote more than once a day! See the next point
Here's the best tip - if you have more than one web browser on your computer, you can vote once in each! For example, you could vote once in Internet Explorer, once in Safari, once in Firefox, etc If you have a smartphone with web access, you can vote there too!
The only way to get the thousands of votes required is to spread the word exponentially, which means sharing the voting link with your friends and encouraging them to do the same I've included a short and sweet message below that you can cut 'n paste into an email or a Facebook post
Many thanks for whatever you can do to help All the best!
Hi everyone! I'm helping my friend Adam in his quest to win a walk-on role on the acclaimed series "Mad Men" and hope you can help too Please take a second and vote for him at http://bit ly/VoteForAdam - and spread the word by sharing his viral video at http://bit ly/AdamsMadMenVideo
Adam is an aspiring actor and a real "retro guy" who would be thrilled to appear on that show, but he needs thousands of votes to have a shot So if you can share this message widely, and vote daily (you can vote multiple times in different browsers including your smartphone) he might just be able to do it Thanks!
To unsubscribe from this list, visit my homepage: http://www adamabrams com Thanks!
This mailing list is announce-only.
Random updates, info, and stuff.
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