What's Up with Eytan Mirsky Message

From: "What's Up with Eytan Mirsky" <eytanmirsky@PROTECTED>
Date: June 22nd 2012

Unsubscribe Automatically: http://www adamabrams com/cgi-bin/dada/newsletters cgi/u/eytan/example/example com/ Hi guys, Long time no speak I hope this message isn't annoying you

Just wanted to let you know that I have put out a new cd called "Year of the Mouse "

You can check it out here:

http://eytanmirsky bandcamp com/album/year-of-the-mouse

It's pretty cheap there, particularly as a download, but if you want it cheaper as a physical cd you can paypal me $10 directly to eytanmirsky@hotmail com If you're out of the country, $13 should do it

In the coming weeks, the cd will be available at CD Baby, itunes, etc

If you have any questions write to me at eytanmirsky@hotmail com or look me up on Facebook

See ya, Eytan


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