Update on the Hollywood Theatre - important action items!

From: "Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition" <savethehollywoodtheater@gmail.com>
Date: November 21st 2013

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First battle won - next challenge: block the Development Application!

Thanks to the tremendous turnout at our Public Meeting last Sunday, City Hall is taking notice!

At this point, we have a new challenge: the Development Application. We feel this is a flawed application, does not represent the facts, and violates the spirit and the letter of civic bylaws designed to protect exactly this kind of heritage, community space. This application must not be approved, and your public pressure is more important than ever!

Contact City of Vancouver Project Coordinator, Lizette Berdahl at lizette.berdahl@vancouver.ca or 604.871.6706, and CC the Mayor and all councillors. (Check our website for an easy-to-copy list of all relevant email addresses plus an example letter for your inspiration.)

SIGN (if you haven't yet) AND SHARE THE PETITION with your friends, your family and your neighbours!

We need your skills, your ideas, your labour, your support! Email savethehollywoodtheater@gmail.com to join our planning and organizing group!

Keep the pressure on - HELP SAVE THE HOLLYWOOD!


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