Family and Friends,
Lots of historic events have transpired since my last send including the principled current street response to the racism of our justice system. Please check out the new and old prints now on view at the Spacepop Gallery in Berkeley or catch me at my print shop in Berkeley. On view are works about the continuing government secrecy, government retaliation to whistleblowers, illegal arms for Israel, environmental degradation, imperialism and war. If time permits, take a minute and participate in getting Oscar Lopez Rivera out of prison. He has been unjustly locked in prison for 33 years and is the subject of my most recent colaboration. Also visit my website and see if there is any posters I still have that you would like to purchase. I need them out in the world, I have held on to them too long.
About Oscar López Rivera
Bronze star awarded Vietnam veteran; Chicago community activist and institution builder; advocate for the independence of Puerto Rico; U.S. government-held political prisoner for over thirty years. These are the most common cited facts given about Oscar López Rivera, and they are reasons many, including Nobel Prize laureates, elected officials, scholars, and community leaders, are compelled to join in the demand for his release.
Oscar, born on Three King’s Day, is the Puerto Rican nation’s shining star, able to unite a people facing the divisive effects of a more than one-hundred year colonial occupation. Now, more than ever, the Puerto Rican people have come together in a way that presents U.S. President Barack Obama every reason to exercise his power of pardon and release Oscar, as presidents before him have done.
About National Boricua Human Rights Network
National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) is an organization composed of Puerto Ricans in the U.S. and their supporters that educates and mobilizes the Puerto Rican community, the broader Latin American community and other people of conscience regarding issues of justice, peace and human rights. Visit us at:
The Oscar Lopez Rivera poster is only available in Spanish at this point.
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