I'm walking again for the women's shelter... can you help?

From: "AdamAbrams.com List" <adamabrams@PROTECTED>
Date: May 20th 2015
Adam Abrams

...the newsletter

Help me support a women’s shelter at the 2015 fundraising walk!

Hi, and apologies for this rare mass email message. I’d prefer to get more personal, but with time growing short, I need to reach a LOT of friends quickly!

I’m participating again in the fundraising Walk for Vancouver Rape Relief this year, on Sunday, May 31st. That’s only eleven days away. So I’m wondering if you’d consider making a donation to help this awesome organization keep doing what they do – provide shelter and support to women escaping violence. I want to present a nice full pledge sheet when I get to Stanley Park!

Many of you (you know who you are) have pledged in past years, and I am ever grateful for your support. I hope you’re able to keep the tradition going with another pledge this year.

If you’re able to pitch in, you can do so very easily – just visit this link to donate. (To ensure your donation is credited to my pledge sheet, please mention my name in the message area.) Again, here is the…

Donation link!

Finally, if you’d like to join me, Christine and Max at the event, why not walk too and we can be a team? It’s a fun day with a picnic lunch and live musical entertainment afterwards. All the info you need (plus a downloadable pledge sheet) can be found here on the VRR website.

And I’m happy to advise you with some tips on getting pledges, or try to answer any questions you may have.

But regardless of whether you can pledge, or walk, this time, I appreciate your time and attention and wish you all the best!


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