Carnival Band potluck party Saturday, April 30!

From: "Compassion Globally" <webmaster@PROTECTED>
Date: April 9th 2016

Saturday, April 30 Potluck Party!

A music and potluck evening. Bring old friends or make new ones. Dine and dance for a great cause!


Please join us on Saturday April 30 at Kitsilano House, 2305 West 7th (at Vine) for an evening of FUN, FOOD, MUSIC and DANCING. The amazing CARNIVAL BAND will be entertaining us all. The food is POTLUCK so please bring $5 and a plate of food and serving utensils. We have the rest!

Be sure to book so we know how many people and their food will be joining us, by calling 778 867 7064 OR 778 834 5418.

It all starts at 6pm and finishes at 9. Not too much babysitting money!

The issue we must address

There is nothing as exciting and rewarding as helping where help is truly needed. We are all aware that there are thousands of very important causes that need to be addressed. I’m sure you’ll agree that the endless abuse and the raping of women and girls ranks, alongside those needs, at the top.

Worldwide sexual violence is not diminishing, it is increasing daily. We must all, men and women united together, speak out clearly and advise all the leaders of our world, be they business, religious, military or political, and INSIST that they start NOW to substantially reduce this vicious plague that is besieging women and girls.

Compassion Globally exists to serve as a catalyst to initiate this change. Our goal is for individual and groups in Canada and worldwide to act under the CG banner. But in order for this work to move ahead, we do need fiscal help – and one way we are raising these much-needed funds is through events like our upcoming evening of FUN, FOOD, MUSIC and DANCING with the amazing CARNIVAL BAND.

Why donate?

Some of you have already helped in a substantial manner. We are grateful. We ask those of you who have not yet contributed to please consider doing so. If you have friends that might donate, please pass this message along to them. Any amount will be warmly received. Tax deductible receipts will be forwarded to you promptly. Donations will help us with these activities throughout the coming year:

  • Speaking engagements
  • Coordinating with groups in the Lower Mainland to spread the word
  • Initiating new and exciting musical and other events to publicize the issue while providing a great time and experience for all

Cheques or drafts can be forwarded to:

Compassion Globally
1106 Maple Street
Vancouver, BC  V6J3R

Or you can go to our website and donate directly there.

Please also consider volunteering. Many hands will make light work for our upcoming musical event. Or you could do some work for CG in your home.

Despite the gravity of the problem, there is enormous joy in helping to mitigate this abuse.

Lots of love to you all and thank you,

Peter Bardon
Compassion Globally
(778) 867-7064

Our charitable society number is 82951 5444 RR0001.

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