Update on my City Council bid / new dates & deadlines

From: "AdamAbrams.com List" <adamabrams@PROTECTED>
Date: April 30th 2018
Adam Abrams

...the newsletter

Update on my City Council bid / new dates & deadlines

Hi all! 

Welcome to another of my occasional updates on my bid to run for Vancouver City Council!   

First, I want to say a big “thank you” to the lovely folks who have promised to join the Green Party of Vancouver and come to the nomination meeting to help me get approved as a Green candidate! That’s a lot more to ask of people than just clicking on a petition, so I’m delighted at the show of support.

Please note that KEY DATES HAVE CHANGED.
  • Deadline for joining Vancouver Greens*: Wednesday, June 13.
  • Nomination meeting: Wednesday, June 27.

*Those voting at the meeting need to have been members for two weeks.

The meeting will be held at Heritage Hall at Main @ 15th, on the evening of June 27th. Exact time TBA (I’ll advise by email). 

While I have 14 people committed to support me, I need to have a lot more in order to be confident of gaining a slot on the Green slate. So, if you haven’t yet, I hope you can join the Greens and attend the meeting. (I understand though if that is too much to ask – I know that some people prefer not to join political parties and I totally respect that – just so long as you vote come election time!)

Again, here is the link for joining the Green Party of Vancouver ($10 is the minimum for a one-year membership). You’ll not only get to help me become a candidate, you’ll also get an inside view of the political process, meet some really interesting folks, and help choose the entire slate of Green candidates!

Thanks and I’ll be in touch again next month sometime.


PS – If you’re so inclined, you can also keep tabs on my progress, and tell me about what’s important to you in the upcoming civic election, by following my Facebook page: “Adam Abrams for City Council“!

PPS – I wrote this blog article going into more depth on my reasons and motivations for running for Council.

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