List Archives


Cookware has found a home

April 30th 2009 PST

Thanks to all who expressed interest in the cookware... and there were many. It appears to have found a home! If the deal falls through for some reason, I will let folks know. Sorry to disappoint anyone... things move fast in today's high-speed Twitter-verse! (Speaking of which, you can follow me at @cosmocanuck if you're so inclined... I try to keep the tweets interesting!) Thanks again to everyone! Adam ----- To unsubscribe from this list, visit my homepage: Thanks! ...Continue Reading

Anyone need a nice cookware set?

April 30th 2009 PST

Hi all! My friend won a top-of-the-line Lagostina 24-piece cookware set from one of those Safeway game-card contests... but she doesn't really need it so is looking to sell it at a good price. If you're interested, read on... otherwise feel free to delete this message, no reply needed! Details: Safe for element, oven, fridge and dishwasher. 25 year warranty. Retails for roughly $500, and she is selling for $150. I told her I'd pass the word along to my peeps... so there it is! If interested, why not just drop me a l ...Continue Reading

Adam's Update: Book launch for "The Johns" / Reception for "Chorus Line" / Pillow Fight Club

April 22nd 2009 PST

April 22nd, 2009 From the glitter of a musical’s opening night gala, to some very thoughtful (and lively) anti-violence events at local cafes, it’s been a very wide-ranging couple of weeks. Read on for some of the most interesting highlights and photos! Book launch of “The Johns” at Montmartre Cafe On Monday night, April 20, I attended a launch for Victor Malarek’s new book “The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It“. The event was held at the Montmartre Cafe and hosted by hosted by Vancouver Rape Relief and Wo ...Continue Reading

Free stuff for those moving into a new place

March 30th 2009 PST

Hi all, I've got some new, or good-as-new, items ready to donate to anyone who'd setting up in a new apartment, etc. Since it's the end of the month, I'm thinking someone on my list might find these items useful, or know someone who does. They are: - A shower curtain with rings (nice designer pattern, photo on request) - A bathtub non-slip mat (white) - A dish rack and tray (white plastic). I'd put them in the back alley but I don't think the street-recycling crowd would really find much use for these... Let me k ...Continue Reading

March update: new local musical, quote-mark humour, a geeky/funny Net seminar, and more

March 13th 2009 PST

March 14th, 2009 Video: Moveable Music School graduates in concert Vancouver’s Movable Music School is an ongoing series of weekly music lessons, at levels from beginner to advanced, organized by Rosemary Campbell. Classes are held in people’s homes, and typically run for six weeks. At the end of each term, folks from all the different classes meet for a potluck and performance. Me and Christine were there, guitars in hand, demoing our newfound skills. Check it out! READ MORE A brand new musical debuts in Vancouver M ...Continue Reading

Nearly new futon sofabed

March 2nd 2009 PST

Hi everyone! Well, a change of plans by my Mom means there is a deal to be had for anyone who would like a nice futon / sofabed at a good price. She purchased it new in late January at the Brick. Now she's not going to need it after all, and that means someone�s going to get a great deal on a barely-used sofabed. It could be you! It�s 7' wide and opens easily into a 54" X 72" double bed. It cost $475 when purchased at The Brick in January. Now the asking price is $250 or best offer. Pictures are visible i ...Continue Reading

Adam's Update: "Sasquatch" on-set photos, wine tasting tickets and more

February 19th 2009 PST

February 20th, 2009 Hi everyone! Here’s the latest updates on my site, including some very fun photos from the set of “Sasquatch”, the student film I shot at the end of  last month. For those of you in the Vancouver area, I’m also passing along info about a couple of tickets to a local wine event that a friend of mine has for sale, and a recent notice from United Players, who are looking for production staff for their new season. “Sasquatch” photos Here are some of my best photos from my recent experience shoot ...Continue Reading update: Vote for my shows! / Upcoming musical / Cool vintage sign

January 20th 2009 PST

January 20th, 2009 Hi everyone! Here’s a quick update with details on how YOU can help two shows I was in to win awards… plus details about a great new musical about to open… and some cool vintage store signs unearthed in San Francisco, photographed by a friend of mine. Enjoy! Ovation Awards - cast your vote today! Coming up on Sunday evening it’s the Ovation Awards, created to honour local musical theatre - and as always, the winners will be determined by your vote. I’m delighted to announce that two shows I was in ...Continue Reading

Local musical urgently needs male actor

January 9th 2009 PST

My friend Mary Clark is producing a new musical called "Under The Hawthorn Tree", based on a best-selling Irish novel of the same name. And she is now in dire need of one male singer/actor! If you're interested, or know someone who might be, do get in touch with her at cymbelina@PROTECTED . Here's the details Mary provided: The Schedule We rehearse 2 -3 times a week�(we already had our first read through) generally on Wednesdays,�Thursdays and Saturdays, but we're still in our first week of� rehearsal. It' ...Continue Reading Update: Concerts galore, Actor's Drop-in, Polar Bear Swim pics

January 5th 2009 PST

January 5th, 2009 Happy New Year! Hope that 2009 is treating you well so far. Some great shows featuring good friends are coming up, as well as a really fun actor’s drop-in which is starting up again tomorrow night, so I thought I’d share “the deets” with one and all. (I also attended the Polar Bear Swim and took some pretty good photos, which I’ve linked to.) Enjoy, and maybe I’ll see you at one of these upcoming events! Vancouver Actor’s Drop-In I wanted to mention a great scene-study drop-in held weekly and curren ...Continue Reading
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