October 17th 2018 PST
...the newsletter A historic chance to choose fair elections for BC If you live in BC, then later this month, you’ll receive a referendum ballot in the mail that offers the chance to make one of the most exciting – and, I think, necessary – changes to our political system in decades. It’s the vote on Proportional Representation. I haven’t posted to my blog in a while, but I felt it was important to share info about this with everyone (and apologies if you don’t currently live in BC! Send it along to all your BC ...Continue Reading
May 26th 2018 PST
...the newsletter Why I’ve had to cancel my campaign So, it looks like I won’t be running for City Council after all – at least, not as a Green. My application to put myself forward for nomination with the Vancouver Green Party was rejected. While I never was given a specific reason, it was my distinct impression that it was because I was called transphobic online, and attempted to defend myself. That’s right. A well-known, longtime trans activist stated online that I shouldn’t be allow ...Continue Reading
May 26th 2018 PST
...the newsletter Why I’ve had to cancel my campaign So, it looks like I won’t be running for City Council after all – at least, not as a Green. My application to put myself forward for nomination with the Vancouver Green Party was rejected. While I never was given a specific reason, it was my distinct impression that it was because I was called transphobic online, and attempted to defend myself. That’s right. A well-known, longtime trans activist stated online that I shouldn’t be allow ...Continue Reading
May 24th 2018 PST
...the newsletter Support a women’s shelter: donate for my Walk for Rape Relief on June 3 I’m delighted to say that I’m participating again in the fundraising *Walk for Vancouver Rape Relief* this year, on Sunday, June 3rd! And I hope you’ll consider making a donation to help this fine organization keep doing what they do – provide shelter and support to women escaping violence year after year. (The above photo is from nine years ago, when I was still rocking an unfortunate ‘stache/goatee combo!) Ma ...Continue Reading
April 30th 2018 PST
...the newsletter Update on my City Council bid / new dates & deadlines Hi all! Welcome to another of my occasional updates on my bid to run for Vancouver City Council! First, I want to say a big “thank you” to the lovely folks who have promised to join the Green Party of Vancouver and come to the nomination meeting to help me get approved as a Green candidate! That’s a lot more to ask of people than just clicking on a petition, so I’m delighted at the show of support. Plea ...Continue Reading
April 4th 2018 PST
Sorry everyone! There was a slipup in the email I sent last night, and incorrect date info was given near the end of the message for the Green Party of Vancouver nomination meeting. [*]- The correct date for the nomination meeting is Wednesday, May 30. [*]- The deadline for becoming a member is May 15, to ensure your membership is registered two weeks before the meeting. I'll follow up as needed with the time and location of the meeting, once both of those are confirmed. But it's definitely on the 30th of May. Than ...Continue Reading
April 4th 2018 PST
Sorry everyone! There was a slipup in the email I sent last night, and an incorrect date was given near the end of the message for the Green Party of Vancouver nomination meeting. The correct date is Wednesday, May 30! I'll follow up as needed with the time and location, once both of those are confirmed. But it's definitely on the 30th of May. Thanks! Adam ...Continue Reading
April 3rd 2018 PST
AdamAbrams.com Newsletter ...the newsletter Help me run for City Council! Hi everyone! I haven’t emailed in a while, but I am now attempting something pretty big – and to do it, I’ll need your help. I want to run for Vancouver City Council in October. As most of you know, I feel a deep connection to Vancouver and I’m passionate about a lot of civic issues, with heritage preservation being a major one. But I also worry – like many – about the future of Vancouver, its skyrocket ...Continue Reading
December 12th 2017 PST
...the newsletter Join me for a carol or two this Saturday – for a great cause! The holiday season is upon us again, and once again, here’s your opportunity to sing carols and support a great cause. Yes, it’s my annual Holiday Sing-Along and Fundraiser for Vancouver Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter! I’m so grateful to the many of you who make a point of joining me for a little while each year, and hope you can come out again – or for the first time! As most of you know, each year VRRWS helps hundreds o ...Continue Reading
November 6th 2017 PST
Hi! I wanted to let everyone know that I'm appearing in a new musical / play about the Sylvia Hotel, from November 8 to 12! "Two Views from the Sylvia" consists of two one-act plays. The first tells the story of the Goldstein family - the father, Abraham, built the Sylvia Hotel in 1912 and named it after his daughter. There were struggles and prejudices that both of them had to overcome. Also featured is Vancouver legend Joe Fortes, who taught Sylvia to swim and, like the Go ...Continue Reading
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