List Archives


My "Back to the Future" Blu-Ray screening and costume party - Oct. 30 - you're invited!

October 8th 2010 PDT

BACK TO THE FUTURE Blu-Ray screening and costume party on Halloween weekend! Fans of what may be the most entertaining and inventive trilogy ever made are rejoicing at its imminent release on Blu-Ray! This is the movie that finally convinced me to get a DVD player many years ago… and with this release, it should look its best yet on our 42″ screen. And what better way to celebrate than to enjoy it with a bunch of friends and fans! I’ll tell you what’s better… DRESSING UP for the occasion! Thus, the Back to the Future ...Continue Reading

$100 bonus from the BC Lottery site? Yes, I did it... here's how!

October 4th 2010 PDT

How to get $100 from the BC Lottery site – I did it! (Apologies for the earlier headline saying $200 – that’s the total you end up with, but you have to pony up $100 from your credit card so your net gain is $100.) Well, I’m no gambler, but when I heard about the risk-free offer happening on the BC Lottery website, a $100 incentive that you are able to redeem for cash without spending any of it – I was certainly tempted. But I didn’t want to wade into the unfamiliar world of online betting so was going to let it go… wh ...Continue Reading

Adam's Update: Help my 8-day "Mad Men" plan to succeed! / "Wait for Rain" on-set pics / Perogy Night video Report

September 9th 2010 PDT

I need YOU for my “Eight-Day Plan” to win that “MAD MEN” role! First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting me on my quest to win the “MAD MEN Casting Call contest” (and a walk-on role on this fantastic show)! With only 8 full days of voting left (through September 17), and the top finalists already with 20,000 or more votes, and me with just over 600, landing amongst the top 10 and being a finalist would seem to be a long shot. But a closer look at the rankings shows that I could still be a finalist! H ...Continue Reading

Clarifying the details...

September 2nd 2010 PDT

Hi all! Sorry about this extra message, but I've received a few questions from friends wanting to support me in the "Mad Men" contest - asking if it was OK to vote more than once, where exactly to vote, etc. So here's the essentials all in one place! - You can vote for me at - that's the short link to my entry on the contest site. - Multiple votes are not only allowed, they are essential in order to get a high ranking - and you can vote every 24 hours. And you can vote more than onc ...Continue Reading

Clarifying the details...

September 2nd 2010 PDT

Hi all! Sorry about this extra message, but I've received a few questions from friends wanting to support me in the "Mad Men" contest - asking if it was OK to vote more than once, where exactly to vote, etc. So here's the essentials all in one place! - You can vote for me at - that's the short link to my entry on the contest site. - Multiple votes are not only allowed, they are essential in order to get a high ranking - and you can vote every 24 hours. And you can vote more than onc ...Continue Reading

Perogies!/New hope for my "Mad Men" bid/Glee Camp/"Brighton Beach"/free trundle bed!

September 2nd 2010 PDT

Latest news for September 2nd, 2010 Join me Friday for Perogies at the Church! On the first Friday of every month, the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral holds a Perogy Night. For $12 you get an authentic home-cooked perogy meal. It’s been written up in many local papers and there’s always a big lineup – it’s supposed to be quite the event. READ MORE “Mad Men” Casting Call contest just got a lot more fair Now that the poobahs at AMC have tossed the cheaters off their perch at the top of the list, it’s become ...Continue Reading

If you couldn't view my "Mad Men" video...

August 24th 2010 PDT

More than a few folks seem to have not been able to view my video that I sent out in my last message. So to be totally sure you can see it, here is a simple link you can just click on that should definitely work: And be sure to keep voting for me in the MAD MEN Casting Call contest: Finally, please forward this message to as many people as you can - I'll need this video to really go "viral" if I'm to have a shot at winning the contest (an ...Continue Reading

New! My original "Mad Men" short comedy video

August 23rd 2010 PDT

Watch my “Mad Men” comedy short! Here’s an original, 90-second film that shows one possible result of my winning the Mad Men Casting Call contest. Watch, enjoy, and spread it around! And please keep voting for me at — thanks! Special thanks to Cassandra Freeman, Irwin Levine, my nephew Kevin McCartney and my lovely wife Christine for their assistance and input in making a reality out of this wacky idea of mine -- in less than 48 hours from idea to finished film! Home | Blog | Pics | Video | ...Continue Reading

Help get me a role on MAD MEN!

August 20th 2010 PDT

Help get me on “MAD MEN”! The new season of “Mad Men” has begun, and there’s a big contest on, with the prize being a walk-on bit part on the show. Now, I’m a retrophile from way back (with a ’63 Rambler, a closet full of vintage clothes, and a love of everything mid-century) who is crazy about “Mad Men”. I’m also an aspiring actor who’s done a couple of commercials… and this would be a dream opportunity. In short, I was born to enter this contest. But to have a chance of winning, I need your help. I ask for two thin ...Continue Reading

Adam's Update: "Priscilla" souvenir poster available / Video home tour / Odd roadside tale

July 9th 2010 PDT

Latest news for July 9th, 2010 “Priscilla” souvenir poster now available! If you attended and enjoyed the Broadway Chorus musical, “Priscilla, Queen of the Damned!” last month, here’s your chance to have a truly unique keepsake. I took my custom promo art for the show and expanded it into a full-on, glossy poster! READ MORE Video: Lush garden and heritage house on North Shore This lush garden and uniquely furnished house is bursting with character – my idea of a true “dream home”. And thanks to the magic of video, y ...Continue Reading
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