Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition Archives


A letter from you can help save the Hollywood Theatre

March 29th 2014 PST

You're on this list due to your previous support for the Save the Hollywood Theatre campaign. If you'd prefer to be removed from this list, or you're on it due to our error, simply click this unsubscribe link. Thanks! First, the good news: a clear vision for the Hollywood is now on the table. One that would see this heritage landmark and much-loved neighbourhood cinema not just preserved, but transformed into something even better than before – a vital and dynamic hub for cinema, music, film festivals, lectures and for ...Continue Reading

Vancouver Vanishes - Help save character homes

February 20th 2014 PST

Dear supporter of the Hollywood Theatre, We normally would not contact you for anything else than to update you about the Hollywood, but this is a great cause, and so close to the one we're fighting for that we thought you would be interested. We hope you don't mind. Did you know that more than 750 homes are demolished annually in Vancouver? Here is a video about it. If you want to sign a petition aimed to save character homes, please click here. Thank you so much, The Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition (You're o ...Continue Reading

Save the Hollywood Theatre update: promising signs - and skills we need now

January 22nd 2014 PST

Dear supporters of the Hollywood Theatre... Hollywood Theatre circa 1961. Thanks to the Kits (Now and Then) Facebook Page for the photo. Many of you have been asking for an update on what’s happening. Some media reports have implied that the Hollywood is safely out of danger, however this is by no means the case. We apologize for not providing more info sooner, but things have been very much in flux; sometimes the outlook seemed to go from ecstatic to gloomy within hours. But as we write this, though the outcome rema ...Continue Reading

News bulletin! The Heritage / Hollywood agenda item has been set for 2pm

December 3rd 2013 PST

*News Bulletin! *The Heritage Report including the Hollywood discussion will begin tomorrow at 2pm. Those of you who have signed up should be aware of this, as an email went out from Tina Hildebrandt to everyone who registered by email. But those of you who are still planning to sign up may not know this. Here again is the info for registering: Register by phone or email to: Tina Hildebrandt, Meeting Coordinator, Tel: 604.873.7268 or e-mail Click here for mor ...Continue Reading

The Hollywood Theatre needs your voice tomorrow!

December 3rd 2013 PST

First off, thank you so much for your support for saving the Hollywood Theatre! Earlier, I asked if you would sign up to speak at a City Council meeting this Wednesday, Dec. 4. That’s when a report on Heritage will be presented at City Council which contains actions that, if urgently acted upon by Council, can help save the Hollywood. This is a second request, to ensure an impressive turnout. Tomorrow, we want it to be crystal-clear how strong the support is for saving our treasured and much-needed heritage community s ...Continue Reading

The Hollywood Theatre needs your voice this Wednesday!

December 1st 2013 PST

We need your voice this Wednesday to save the Hollywood Theatre! SPEAKERS NEEDED TO PROTECT HOLLYWOOD THEATRE THIS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 AT CITY HALL! (Meeting starts at 9:30am, but speaking time should be later in the afternoon – see below.) We need to have a *HUGE show of support* to Save the Hollywood on Wednesday. *YOU can make a big difference* to the fate of this community landmark by getting on the speaker’s list for this meeting! *Register to speak by contacting Tina Hildebrandt, Meeting Coordinator. Call **60 ...Continue Reading

A Message from the Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition

November 24th 2013 PST

A message from the Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition Photo: Heritage Vancouver Society Many thanks for supporting our efforts to save the Hollywood Theatre, either by attending Sunday’s Rally, writing a letter to the City, and/or directly offering your help! We’re currently coordinating efforts to save this invaluable heritage community space, including the vital work of putting a business plan together. What you can do now is… [*]If you haven’t already, write to Lizette Berdahl, the Mayor and council to oppose th ...Continue Reading

Save the Hollywood: Updated time for Science World event tonight

November 22nd 2013 PST

Hi all! Sorry about this change, but information was hard to come by about the start time for this awards event. Turns out we will need to be at Science World around 5 or 5:15. We'll be staying till around 6. If you can help to hand out "Save the Hollywood" flyers to the movers and shakers attending the Mayor's Arts Awards, please come on down and join us. Thanks again and sorry about the extra email message! Adam Abrams Save the Hollywood Theatre Coalition ----- To unsubscribe from this list, click this ...Continue Reading

Message from Save the Hollywood Coalition - volunteers needed this evening

November 22nd 2013 PST

Hi everyone! Thanks for your interest in saving the Hollywood and/or your prior offer of assistance to the cause. And we do need a little help - this evening. The Mayor's Arts Awards takes place tonight, Nov. 22, at Telus Science World, 1455 Quebec Street, beginning at 6:30PM. We'll be leafletting attendees to this event, but could use a couple more hands on deck.  If you can help, please contact Mel Lehan at (604) 842-4657 (please use that number only for this event - thanks!). We'd be meeting at Sc ...Continue Reading

Update on the Hollywood Theatre - important action items!

November 21st 2013 PST

(Sorry if you receive this twice. We've placed you on our email list for occasional important updates - but you can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of this message. Thanks!) First battle won - next challenge: block the Development Application! Thanks to the tremendous turnout at our Public Meeting last Sunday, City Hall is taking notice! At this point, we have a new challenge: the Development Application. We feel this is a flawed application, does not represent the facts, and violates the spi ...Continue Reading
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