June 15th 2007 PST
Hi, Just a reminder that I'm coming back again to say goodbye. The whole thing will be going down on Friday June 22nd at 8pm sharp at the Baggot Inn (82 W. 3rd St. NYC, between Sullivan and Thompson). I'll do my songs from "The Tao of Steve," "Happiness," and "American Splendor" and as many of your Mirsky faves as can be crammed into one set. It's looking like these special guests will be participating: Jason Rosen, Ben Parrish, Jack Boice. Yes, that Jason Rosen, Ben Parrish and Jack Boic ...Continue Reading
May 21st 2007 PST
Fresh off the success of my last comeback/farewell show, I'm back to say goodbye again. Don't let this be the last time! It's all happening on Friday June 22nd at the Baggot Inn in NYC (82 W. 3rd St) at 8pm sharp. I'll be doing my songs from the films "American Splendor," "The Tao of Steve" and "Happiness," as well as many of your other Mirsky faves. So save the date and don't miss the show -- this could be it (at least until the last comeback/farewell)! Expect another annoying e-mail c ...Continue Reading
January 27th 2007 PST
I should've mentioned that, I guess. -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eytanmirsky.home.att.net. You can also unsubscribe from this list there, if you really want to. ...Continue Reading
January 27th 2007 PST
Everyone knows that THE greatest night to hear music is the night after Groundhog Day, particularly when this is the night before the Super Bowl. So come on down to the Baggot Inn (82 W. 3rd St. between Sullivan and Thompson in NYC) on Feb 3rd at 8pm SHARP and hear me do my songs from "The Tao of Steve,"" American Splendor," and "Happiness" along with a bunch of your other faves. Special guest Jason Rosen will join in on harmonica and maybe guitar. -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eyt ...Continue Reading
January 7th 2007 PST
Since the last Comeback/Farewell show was so successful, I'll be doing another one this Feb. 3rd at 8 pm at the Baggot Inn (82 W. 3rd in NYC, between Sullivan and Thompson). The show falls the day after Groundhog Day, so I'll salute the film of the same name by doing pretty much the same thing I always do at my shows. But I'll try to slip in a few different songs to make it interesting for you regular attendees. Expect another reminder the week of the show. 'Till then, Eytan -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eytan ...Continue Reading
September 30th 2006 PST
Guys, Don't forget my Comeback/Farewell show on Friday Oct. 6 at 8pm SHARP at the Baggot Inn at 82 W. 3rd St. (between Thompson and Sullivan). I'll do my songs from the films "Tao of Steve," "Happiness" and "American Splendor," along with as many others can be crammed into an hour set. I hope to see you there, Eytan -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eytanmirsky.home.att.net. You can also unsubscribe from this list there, if you really want to. ...Continue Reading
August 30th 2006 PST
Fresh off the success of my last comeback/farewell show, I'm making another comeback and combining it with yet another farewell. It's all happening on Friday October 6th at the Baggot Inn in NYC (82 W. 3rd St) at 8pm sharp. I'll be doing my songs from the films "American Splendor," "The Tao of Steve" and "Happiness," as well as many of your other Mirsky faves. So save the date and don't miss the show -- this could be it (at least until the last comeback/farewell)! Expect another annoyin ...Continue Reading
December 11th 2005 PST
If you're in the New York area, try to make it down on Friday Dec. 16th at 8 pm to the Baggot Inn at 82. W. 3rd St. to see my show. If you can look past the holidays, the weather and the possible transit strike, you'll have a great time. Later everyone, Eytan -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eytanmirsky.home.att.net. You can also unsubscribe from this list there, if you really want to. ...Continue Reading
December 1st 2005 PST
Hi, It's me, Eytan Mirsky, and I'm doing a show at the Baggot Inn, 82 W. 3rd St. (between Sullivan and Thompson) at 8 pm Friday Dec. 16th. (My birthday is the 18th, so come share the love.) I'll try to do some songs I haven't done in the past, but certainly many of the indispensible crowd favorites will also be played. This will be a solo acoustic show. Hope to see you there, Eytan P.S. If you're on this list by accident, don't worry: I don't send out too many messages (more like once a year). But if you really need o ...Continue Reading
April 13th 2005 PST
Hi guys, There's a new Todd Solondz film coming out now called "Palindromes," which features 4 songs I wrote. They're not in my usual style, but they're still fun. The songs are sung by the fictional musical group called the Sunshine Singers. If you can imagine NSync and Britney Spears combining forces to sing religious music, then you can imagine what the Sunshine Singers are like. And of course, if you haven't gotten a hold of my new cd, "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!" check that out at www.cdbab ...Continue Reading
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