What's Up with Eytan Mirsky Archives


Eytan is now downloadable, etc.

March 10th 2005 PST

Hi folks, The show last month at the Baggot Inn was a big success. Thanks to all who made it down. By some amazing coincidence, Judah Friedlander (Toby from American Splendor) happened to be doing his standup routine at the club upstairs, so when the sound man told him I was performing, he came down and invited me to see his act some time. (Okay, it wasn't that coincidental since he evidently plays that comedy club every night, but it was still a kick.) Anyway, the important news is that the new cd is now available as ...Continue Reading

Don't forget: Eytan Mirsky show Feb. 5th

January 22nd 2005 PST

Don't let the winter weather keep you locked up in your apartments. Don't miss the musical event of the season when I, Eytan Mirsky, take the stage at the Baggot Inn 82 W. 3rd Street (between Sullivan and Thompson) in NYC on Saturday Feb. 5th at 9 pm (that's 9 pm sharp). I'll do a few songs from my new cd, "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!" which you all should get a hold of, if you haven't already. (Read the three great reviews I've gotten so far and hear clips at www.cdbaby.com/eytanmirsky4.) And of course I' ...Continue Reading

e-mail me to unsubscribe

December 22nd 2004 PST

The unsubscribe page is down on my website, so if you find these messages annoying, just e-mail me at eytanmirsky@PROTECTED, and I'll remove you from the list. No hard feelings. -- Visit Eytan's homepage at http://eytanmirsky.home.att.net. You can also unsubscribe from this list there, if you really want to. ...Continue Reading

Eytan Mirsky Live on Sat. Feb. 5th

December 22nd 2004 PST

Mark this date. I, Eytan Mirsky, will be doing a solo show at the Baggot Inn at 82 W. 3rd St. in New York City (between Sullivan and Thompson) at 9pm sharp on Saturday Night February 5th, 2005. Until then, entertain yourself by picking up my new cd, "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!" You can listen to clips of all 16 songs at www.cdbaby.com/eytanmirsky4. You buy it there, or from amazon.com, notlame.com, and jamrecordings.com. Or you can buy it directly from me by e-mailing me at eytanmirsky@PROTECTED. The alb ...Continue Reading

Hear all 16 new Mirsky songs at CD Baby

December 4th 2004 PST

Sorry for constant intrusion, but I wanted everyone to know that sound clips of all 16 songs from my new album ("Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!") can be heard at www.cdbaby.com/eytanmirsky4. That's the first two minutes of every song, and you know my songs aren't that much more than two minutes anyway, so you'll certainly hear a lot of the album. You can buy the cd there or at www.notlame.com, www.jamrecordings.com, www.koolkatmusic.com or, of course, www.amazon.com - be sure to check my listings at "Us ...Continue Reading

Clips from new album on www.NotLame.com

November 25th 2004 PST

Hi folks, Just here to tell you that audio clips for the new album are up at www.notlame.com, where "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight!" is being featured on the front page. Not Lame is a great place to find independent pop-rock, so check it out. The album is also up on amazon.com and will be up soon on cdbaby.com, koolkatmusik.com, and jamrecordings.com. In Sweden: www.countryrockspecialisten.se will have it soon. And in Japan: www.wizzard-in-vinyl.com. For all those who've already bought, sorry to intrude. Pl ...Continue Reading

What's Up with Eytan Mirsky Message

November 16th 2004 PST

Hi People, I've just put out my fourth album, "Everyone's Having Fun Tonight?" It's got 16 tracks including the title songs from the films "American Splendor" and "Happiness." It's got all kinds of fun/funny tunes with titles like "She's Looking Better," "Why Does It Have to Be That Way?" and "What's Wrong With You?" It's got great guitar playing from Larry Saltzman (Simon and Garfunkel Reunion, David Johanson and the Harry Smiths) and Jon Gordon (Suzanne Veg ...Continue Reading

EYTAN MIRSKY LIVE - last reminder

November 12th 2003 PST

For those in NY: Eytan will do a 20 minute set as part of the International Pop Overthrow festival on Sunday November 16th at 2:30 in the afternoon. The show is at the Baggot Inn located at 82 W. 3rd St. between Sullivan and Thompson. WARNING: if you click on that message down below, you will UNsubscribe to this list. -- To unsubscribe from: What's Up with Eytan Mirsky, just follow this link: http://www.adamabrams.com/cgi-bin/mojo.cgi?f=u&l=eytan&e=example@PROTECTED&p=1234 Click this link, or copy and paste the addr ...Continue Reading

Eytan Mirsky Live (sorry for typos)

November 1st 2003 PST

That last message should have read that the Baggot Inn was at 82 W. 3rd St. between Sullivan and Thompson streets. Sorry for the confusion caused by the poor proofreading job. I have disciplined the man responsible for these errors: myself. - E -- To unsubscribe from: What's Up with Eytan Mirsky, just follow this link: http://www.adamabrams.com/cgi-bin/mojo.cgi?f=u&l=eytan&e=example@PROTECTED&p=1234 Click this link, or copy and paste the address into your browser. ...Continue Reading

Eytan Mirsky Live (and other news)

November 1st 2003 PST

For those of you in the NY area: Eytan will be appearing live on Sunday November 16th at 2:30 in the afternoon at the Baggot Inn as part of the International Pop Overthrow festival extravaganza." (That's "Baggot" with a "B," wise guy!) The Baggot Inn is at 82 W. 3rd St. between Sullivan Thompson streets. It's only a 20 minute set, so be on time or you'll miss the whole mind-blowing experience. Other news: check out "American Splendor" - if you haven't already - for Eytan's appearance ...Continue Reading
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