Prevention of Violence Against Women Week Event Series
All Events are Free and Open to the Public
On now, it’s a series of intriguing events centered around responses to violence against women and related political and social-justice issues. The setting is not some antiseptic lecture hall, but rather, some of Vancouver’s finest and funkiest cafés. These will be some thought-provoking events that are bound to provoke lively discussions. I’ll be attending the April 20 book launch, and I encourage you to check out any or all of these events as well!
Monday, April 20: Book launch of author Victor Malarek’s
The Johns: Sex For Sale and the Men Who Buy It. Also with UBC law professor Janine Benedet. Montmartre Café, 4362 Main, 7pm.
Tuesday, April 21:
Rewriting Our Own Futures: Words from Women of Vancouver Transition Houses. With ex-residents from transition houses and singer-songwriter Kate Reid. Bean Around the World, 3598 Main St., 7pm.
Wednesday, April 22: Tough Guise: Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity. Bold and intriguing film with panel discussion following. Performances by Kia Kidiri, JB The First Lady and Christie Lee. At the Purple Crab, 3916 Main, 7pm.
Watch “Tough Guise” in its entirety here!
Thursday, April 23: Bad Dates, Campus Creepers and Drug Rapes. With Aboriginal Women’s Action Network, Antigone Magazine, and the BC Women’s Hospital Sexual Assault Centre. Our Town Cafe, 245 East Broadway, 7pm.
Saturday, April 25: Olympics 2010: Women in Sport, Women As Sport. Hosted by VRRWS. Our Town Cafe, 245 East Broadway, 7pm. These events are sponsored by: