I wanted to mention a
blog about classic advertising illustration of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s I’ve recently subscribed to. It’s an offshoot of a website called
Plan59 that celebrates this rather neglected art form.
What I love about this blog is not only that they feature lots of really fun illustrations from that era, but that there’s also informed and insightful discussion of the specific artists who created them. Even those who love this stuff probably have no clue about the people behind the work, but here you get that info, along with a knowing analysis of individual styles from someone with an illustrator’s eye. There’s even some detective work in the mix, as the author and his readers (some of whom worked in the industry at the time!)
do some sleuthing to identify artists from nothing more than their initials.
And it’s not all kitsch – there’s a real variety of styles and some
flat-out gallery-ready works of art too. Great fun.
Dear friend,
We have just released the book:
Dream Baby
Pinup in American advertising 1935-1955
a compilation of American pinup ads from 1935 to 1955.
You can take a look at it or even buy it at:
We also invite you to visit and post our blog on vintage objects and graphics:
Warm regards.
Roger & Toni