This is amazing! And it’s happening tomorrow – Friday, August 3!
The Fifth Avenue Cinemas (Fifth and Burrard) presents a
sing-along showing of HAIRSPRAY with the lyrics right up there on the screen, printed on the film! OMG!
Everyone also receives a collectible card, and gets a chance to win a HAIRSPRAY soundtrack CD.
OK people. I know there are TONS of musical theatre fans out there. And there are a lot of Broadway Chorus folks who have sung some of these songs with me on stage! Let’s turn out in force and REPRESENT!!!
There is a 6:50 and a 9:20 showing. I think the 9:20 might be best to give more people time to get out there. (Though personally I could go to both of ’em!)
Are you with me? Let me know! And remember…
About 15 members of Burstin’ with Broadway choir are planning to attend the Thursday, 9 August performance of the Sing-a-long “Hairspray” at 6:50 p.m. You are welcome to join us!