Hi all! As you may have heard, I got cast in Rock Theatre Co.’s upcoming production of “Gee Willikers, SPACE!” – an original and hilarious musical sci-fi adventure. Naturally, I hope you’ll be able to come and enjoy the hilarity when it hits the stage May 6-12.
But I have other news: you can also
invest in the show to help make it even more awesome!
Don’t let the word “invest” worry you, I’m not asking for Daddy Warbucks-type amounts here. I’m just hoping to get, say, ten people to pitch $10 in… that means an additional $1000 to help in construction of sets and to offset costs of space rental. That’s right, both a convincing outer space and an affordable theatre space will both be helped by a successful fundraising effort!
Note that there are some great perks associated with the various levels of donation: ranging from your name in the program (thus verifiable status as a “Patron of the Arts”) all the way up to signed posters, free drinks, tickets, and even an Associate Producer credit for the most very generous.
So, I humbly ask you to dig deep into your space-wallets and help make “GWS” the best, shiniest, most financially solvent show it can be!
In closing I should say that this will be my only direct pitch for funds, there’s no pressure, and no need to even reply if you can’t contribute. Though I still hope to see you in May, of course, as Captains Kybosh and Salvo explore the galaxy in search of the miracle space-mineral, MAGNORIOUS!